Help the Environment, Solar Energy, Enviro Wash-Balls & Junk Mail.
Today's forecast 18/06/2008 Electricity and Gas prices up by 40% by the end of the year! How can you avoid paying 40% more to heat your domestic hot water? Install Solar Thermal collectors now, before they to go up in price.
When Reading this page please bear in mind that it was written when our system was installed 10/2007 and therefore mention of such things as grants from the Energy Saving Trust you can get up to £400 towards your homes solar hot water system but this is due to stop at the end 2010 .
However there are now new benefits, replaced with Renewable Heat Incentives (RHI) which work in a similar way to the tariffs for Solar Photovoltaic Panels. paid under the FITs (Feed in Tariffs UK Energy bill) that will be starting 2011 so if you are considering having Solar thermal installed make enquiries of your installer but also do your home work because your installation must be installed to meet the required standards to qualify for these rewards.
Introduction All of us these days are being bombarded with information about global warming and the need for urgent action to save the earth resources, Governments throughout the world and in particular the UK talk & talk about wind farms , wave energy, new atomic powered power stations, and millions of £££££££ are spent on research in an effort to reduce the worlds demands for resources of energy and yet one of the main resources in badly neglected and information to the public about the benefits of installing Solar energy is almost nil.
Many of us think about saving energy and indeed installing solar power but we do not act with intent we only think about it, we all just need that little extra push to do our bit, I was just the same with energy saving light bulbs, we just won't accept that they are a money saving item because we have to purchase the units in the first place, If your offered one for free you try it, then and only then might you purchase more.
There are in layman's terms two types of solar panel, there is the photovoltaic panel that generates electricity during day light hours, we use mini versions for running the solar powered decorative lighting and pumps in garden ponds in our gardens and local authorities use then for warning signs at the road side etc, the surplus power generated being stored in batteries for night time use. In larger more sophisticated systems they can provide enough electricity for the home owners demands and in some instances the excess power can even be feed into the national grid.
The second of the systems is the Solar water heating system that gather energy radiated by the sun and convert it into useful heat which is conducted into the domestic hot water system. They can also be installed for central heating, although the limited daylight hours of winter can limit the amount of heat available for that purpose.
Solar water heating systems work even on what appears to be a dull day by using the sun's ultra violet rays, which heat special fluid in the solar collector system which in turn is circulated in a closed system of pipes, the excess heat being conducted into the domestic hot water storage facility The technology for both systems is now well developed with a large choice of equipment to suit many applications. all you have to do it decide which is best for you, make a decision to invest, and locate a reliable installer . Please read my advise below before making your decision.
as we all are well aware the Government is advocating the building of thousands of new houses in the UK with special building requirements to reduce the amount of energy demanded for heating the homes, and yet very few homes are built with Solar energy installed as standard, Double glazing yes ,cavity wall insulation ,yes and other features but Solar collector panels for heating domestic hot water or even central heating systems are few and far between. One more bill passed in parliament by the Government of the day could demand that all new houses are fitted with solar collectors, saving massive demand on power stations for the electricity used in heating domestic water alone. Every new house now has by law to be fitted with a water meter so why not Solar energy. Every time a used house changes hands a water meter is fitted , so why not solar power. It is true to say that one forward looking major building Company have installed Solar collectors on some of their new properties, so it can be done and I very much doubt if any of them remain unsold because of the small extra cost involved to both builder and buyer.
We own a large bungalow with a slate roof which faces to the south, and I'm aware of the potential of the sun by the temperature that the loft reaches during the summer months when the sun shines onto the roof for over 8 hours a day. Albeit I'm also aware that solar energy does not rely on the sun shining, just a bright day or even day light is sufficient.
One could ask why do we have to be told, made to comply, the cost of a solar installation is not expensive compared to many other commodities used in our every day lives. The car is just one such example, from our experience you would get three solar systems installed for the price of one new car obviously depending on what car you drive, I drive a Mercedes 'A' Class the baby of the Merc range but still expensive to purchase , and from the point of purchase every thing connected with the car is spend ,spend, spend. House owners are prepared to enter into hire purchase agreements for the cars so why not on solar energy systems?
Well like many, we don't like being told what to do by the Government, our lives are controlled enough, and so made our own decision and decided to purchase a solar domestic hot water system.
We have two grandsons and we wanted to do our bit and at least contribute to energy conservation for their sakes. It's very obvious to everybody with the ever increasing prices of consumables like oil, and other fuels that these consumables will not last for ever, we do need to conserve where we can, make what's left last as long as possible. I even got as far as obtaining the address of a local company of Solar energy installers but that as far as it had got.
So when we received a (cold call) an unsolicited phone call from a Company, that was located in the neighbouring county it was worth considering they claimed in there opening address on the phone to being "The 'Countries leading Energy Solutions Company' so to make a claim like that, they must be good!
I listened to what the telephone salesman had to say and to cut a very very long story short we eventually arranged for the company to come and give us a presentation at our home.
The salesman was on time and did give a very good presentation, so much so that I feel he should be talking to the Government officials of the day not OAP's like us, individual householders. That way he may make a real impression and save the Government millions by them not having to provide yet more power stations.
He completed his sales pitch and we agreed to purchase the Kloben system for his company. He left us a Company brochure and a Kloben UK brochure, the latter being a very informative document.
The actual installation was delayed because our local authority demanded the planning consent be applied for, although the planning authority were very good and passed the application with little delay , the installation company dragged their feet in meeting the application requirements plans etc.
This I'm pleased to say is not now the case and planning is not required as the government of the day have moved the goal posts again!
Existing Demand It was usual for us to run our 3Kw emersion heater ( hot water provision) for up to 3 hours each night on 'off-peak' two tariff electricity, but even then over the period of a 12 week period it added up to a lot of money. Also our dish washer which was using a cold supply was having to heat to water and was normally running during the day, every bit of water used had to be heated which was in turn using electricity. Same applied to the washing machine, the machine is duel water feed ,hot and cold fill but again all hot water used was heated by mains electricity. The 9KW shower for washing/showering also cost well over a £1.00 per hour to run, even running a baths demanded mains power again to heat the water, costly when you look at the price of electricity, which is ever increasing per unit. (1 unit =1000 watts =1Kw) my current price per unit is approx 11p-12p plus the 5% VAT so it's not difficult to see why the bill is so high. During the winter months our multi fuel boiler does help to heat the water in the hot cylinder but it's not sufficient for both central heating and hot water alone, and therefore is supplemented by the electric emersion heater.
The installation. The Kloben system was eventually installed in late October 2007, Bearing in mind the order was placed in July 2007, we had missed the long days of daylight, but right from the start were amazed at how hot the water in the system got.
In preparation for the installation I had plumbed the dishwasher to hot water, from the normal cold. this had no effect on the dishwashers performance although manufacturers do specify a certain minimum pressure at the dishwasher.
With town water mains this minimum pressure will almost certainly always be met, however domestic hot water systems on a gravity feed system can vary dependent on where the header tank is situated in the premises. In the case of the bungalow the header tank ( cold water supply tank to the hot water Cylinder) is situated in the loft on a purpose build frame so as to achieve max height. This increases the head of pressure at the hot taps enabling a good flow of water. For calculation purposed the vertical distance from a given tap to the level of water at the top of the cold water ( header tank ) this will enable you to calculate the pressure in pounds per square inch at the tap,(PSI) simply measure the distance vertically in feet, for every one foot in height the pressure will increase by 1/2 lbs (12 feet measured height, the pressure at the tap will be approx 6 psi) Provided the min pressure at the dishwasher can be achieved the washer will work successfully and there is no reason why it should not be plumbed to hot water supply. If you are under taking the plumbing of the dishwasher yourself, then remember the lower the supply to the appliance the greater pressure you will get, in the case of most dishwashers the supply to the pump and heater are very low this allows max pressure to reach the appliance, so measure from a few inches up the dishwasher to the head of water in the cold tank to calculate the head of pressure that will be supplied to the dish washer.
Where the pressure mentioned is in Bars One bar = 14.5PSI One atmosphere =14.7 PSI, at sea level.
so there is a very slight difference in these measurements, but I doubt it will make any difference to the running of your dish washer. Although making the change from cold to hot supply would not form part of the solar installation unless it was written into the agreement.
So what did the installation involve. Different companies may wish to install different manufacturers solar equipment, so if you wanted kloben which we highly recommend , then you would need to speak with the installation company involved.
In the first instance the collector panel was positioned on the roof, this needs to be considered as you want the panel in a position where the most day light reaches for the max period in each day, ironic as it sounds this does not mean the suns rays, however a shady area on the roof would not be and ideal position. Our panel faces south, south east, and performs very well even during the winter months when the days are short and there is very little sunlight,. so before you make a decision check look around for what you consider is the best spot, then discuss this with the installers. But do remember they should be the experts.
The fixing of the collector panel to your roof structure may vary slightly however the basic idea is to either secure it to a convenient rafters, or position a noggin between the rafters to take the weight of the panel without putting undue stress on the baton's to which your slate or tiles are secured , Our roof is welsh slate which is not common in this area , as slates cannot be easily removed and replaced like tiles the metal strapping has to be passed under the fixed slate and then secured in the loft/roof area. see my drawing/diagram attached .
As can be seen the solar collector panel has now been secured on both bottom corners, the fixings at the top are set in about 18cm (9") each side but would have been better secured on the top corners.
In my case I replaced the original contractors fixings in the loft because the weight of the collector was on nothing more than slate baton, I did not consider this to be either adequate nor was it in compliance with the planning approval granted.
The brackets were purchased from Wicks Builders Merchants cost approx £1.50 each these were simply positioned to ensure that the full weight of the panel was being taken, when correctly positioned with the collector strapping attached they were lightly screwed to the rafters. In my opinion a far better job than was done by the installation company who appeared to cut corners at ever opportunity. The white cable is going to the collector sensor positioned in the collector manifold and terminates at the control panel in the airing cupboard.
What the so called professionals left was in my opinion nothing more than a bodged job. I replaced the damaged roofing felt, and supported it with the banding from industrial packaging, which I then stapled to the rafters either side any slight leakage from an odd slate would then be re-directed outside.
Having installed the collector panel pipe work, which in my case is copper and others stainless steel will be positioned in such away as to connect to a solar pumping station. ( valve group, pump, pressure gauges, expansion chamber etc) this in turn will be indirectly connected to your hot water cylinder solar heating coil.
The kloben solar station The kloben solar station is a compact neat installation, the individual components being covered by a polystyrene cover.
When the polystyrene cover is removed the valves and solar fluid pump are revealed . In this case the circulation pump is powered by mains electricity, in some systems this can be powered by a photovoltaic panel which generates the power (electricity 12volts to run the pump, However they are not considered to be ideal unless sunshine can be guaranteed for several hours of each day, for that reason the mains electricity 240 volt pump is fitted. This pump is very low wattage and on it's lowest setting would only use 46 watts per hour, so the pump will run for 21.74 hours for the cost of one unit of electricity I.e. 12pence approx However the pump does not run after dark nor before dawn, also the pump only runs sufficiently to circulate the hot fluid in the solar panel collector manifold down to the coil situated in the hot water cylinder, so the 21.78 hours could easily be spread over several days.
A & B Flow & return valves from the collector panel manifold.
C Solar pump (mains electricity ) D.
Pressure vessel stored pressure. E Pressure relief valve F Solar fluid retention Reservoir. G Solar
Circuit filler/priming connection& valve. H Expansion chamber J &.K Flow and return feed to & from Hot water cylinder.
Installation problems Due to a number of problems caused by the poor workmanship and lack of knowledge by the original installers, this system has had to be re-checked by another Solar Energy installer, in this instance the relief valve which was located at roof level has been moved into the loft area. It has now been located in such a way that if it should operate the ejected solar fluid will be evacuated to the fluid reservoir which is connected by a stainless steel tube . This would enable the solar engineer to re-use the heat transfer fluid as necessary which is expensive, it therefore makes sense to retain it for future use. Albeit a solar engineer with special equipment would need to undertake this task.
The relief valve is pre-set and 6 Bar (88.2 PSI) and is less likely to operate than if it were located on the roof where the fluid given off in the form of steam could not be retained/preserved.
Another major component in the solar system is the hot water cylinder through which the solar coil runs, In the tank fitted on our premises there are two coils one through which hot water from the multi fuel boiler runs, when the coil valve is open hot water from the boiler heats the water in the cylinder.
The same principle applies to the solar heat transfer fluid from the solar collector which is pumped through the coil in the cylinder where the heat is conducted from the coil by the cooler water in the cylinder. The water in the solar coil can reach temperatures in excess of 200 degrees centigrade. This has a very profound effect on the water in the cylinder.
It is also worth noting that the solar coil is the lowest coil in the large cylinder with the result that the whole cylinder of water is heated, unlike the multi fuel boiler which tends to heat the upper half of the cylinder or indeed the 3Kw electric emersion heater that tends to only heat the upper third of the cylinder, as a result far greater volumes of hot water are available with the solar heating before the hot tapes run warm, cool, or cold as with the other two systems. In addition to these two heating sources a 3Kw electric emersion heater is also available.
This has only been switched on three times for a short period since last October 2007.
Other features of the gravity feed system for domestic hot water is the isolation valve between the cold header tank and the hot water cylinder, This allows the occupier to repair tap washers etc without the need to drain the cold water header tank. If you currently have one fitted on your system make sure it is still accessible when the solar energy system is installed.
There are need less to say times when the hot cylinder will need to be drained, in such circumstance the drain off at the bottom of the hot cylinder will need to be used, I have plumbed my cylinder drain marked N to take the water direct to open air rather than having to fit a hose for drain off purposes. In addition there is a drain off valve for draining the solar fluid from the system.
This should not be undertaken by the occupier or complications of over heating of the collector panel can arise which may cause the pressure relief valve to blow. If you have problems always consult a Solar engineer who will know the procedures for dealing with any faults on your system. This I feel is a good time to mention the very real risk of being badly scalded, one of the worst burns possible by the scalding hot solar fluid in an operational system which is almost identical in content to the coolant fluid used in modern cars, the fluid has a much higher boiling point than water, which allows the vehicle to run at higher temperatures than would otherwise be possible making them more fuel efficient it also acts as an antifreeze and contains an anti-corrosion property. In both instances the systems are beneficial to the user providing they are used correctly. In the event of a blown joint or burst hose be it on your car or solar system, turn off the circulation pump, either ignition switch or electrical pump switch which ever is applicable. Keep well clear of the hot fluid, wait until the system has ceased leaking fluid before attempting any form of repair. In the case of your solar system seek the advise of your Solar Engineer My vehicle hand book mentions the dangers of removing the radiator cap while the engine is running, householders should be warned of the dangers in respect of solar systems and have written instructions left with them at the time of the installation.
Water at high temperatures scalds. In general the public are aware of hot water scalding. However many young and elderly people have been scalded by getting into baths where the water instantly scalds (wet Burns ) with disastrous results. To overcome this problem/hazard special valves can be fitted into the system and are required by law in properties such as nursing homes etc so check if you are running such an establishment. The installation of this type of valve can be pre-set to automatically control the max temperature of the water drawn off the hot taps/cylinder, however bear in mind that they can reduce the flow of water due to the integral control valves of the unit. A request that that this type of valve be fitted into your system would need to be written into your contract with the installers and would increase the cost of the installed system. If you are not fitting such a valve then the control panel can be set which will then control the maximum temperature that will be conducted into the water in the hot water cylinder. It is also wise to warn family members that the hot water may at times be hotter than was normally the case prior to fitting the solar energy It is worth noting that in both our system and another fitted by CES the water temperature setting in the cylinder had been left set at 90C (194F) (Boiling at sea level 100C ) more than hot enough to cause a severe scald to an unsuspecting guest, if the tank temperature had reached a max temperature level. Conversion tables will allow to to check using the program. 90c is way too hot and the dangers of somebody getting scalded are real.
Ger. Energy has now reset both systems to 60C which is much safer, so if the Company 'Capital Energy Solutions Limited ' with a postal address in Eastleigh, Hampshire, fitted your system take great care.
Solar Control panel
The control panel fitted adjacent to the hot water storage cylinder will control the settings of the solar system, this should be set up prior to the installers leaving your property and they should not only demonstrate the functions on the control panel but also leave you written instructions supplied to them by the providers of the Solar system, in our case Kloben UK In the case of the middle /top sensor this intermittently flashes all the time, the light showing permanently when that sensor is tested,
I find these most useful, when we now our hot water demand is going to be greater than normal , we can if we so desire switch the emersion on for and an hour or so timed on the time switch installed, Although this has only been necessary 3 times since the the solar energy was installed.
These readings were taken on a very dull day and early morning. In 1 it can be seen that the water temperature in the middle/top of the cylinder is still 31 Degrees Centigrade even after having drawn off a bath, and used the dish washer 2 The bottom of the cylinder water temp is 21 degrees C. 3 At roof level Collector manifold, 24 degrees C, in all three cases the solar pump is running, circulating more hot solar fluid through the system to the cylinder.
A different story can be told from the control panel 1 on a clear sunny day where the temperature in the collector manifold is 60 degrees centigrade and the pump is still circulation the hot fluid and the water temperature in the middle to top of the hot water cylinder 2 is 54 degrees , hotter than you can put your hands in without adding cold water , all of course heating by the suns rays and the panel indicates that the pump is still running bringing down even more heat from the collector on the roof.
The control panel displayed is part of the Kloben system, supplied to the installers by Kloben UK. All the equipment supplied by Kloben UK has a warrantee period of ten years, any work necessary would in our case be undertaken by GrEnergy of lancing Sussex.
Check your Solar Hot water system settings after 'shutting off' the electrical supply or 'power cuts'.
Please note.
If you are fortunate enough to have a Solar Domestic Hot Water System and have just had Photovoltaic installed or for some reason like a 'power cut' the electrical power to your hot water solar system has been shut off, remember to check the settings of the Solar hot water system controller , For several days after having the photovoltaic fitted we couldn't fathom why the solar hot water system was not getting as hot as normal, when in fact the weather was good with considerable sunshine.
I have now discovered that the 'settings' on the solar hot water system control panel return to the their 'default setting' which means that the system pump only pumps down hot fluid to the hot tank when there is an 8 degree difference between the hot water cylinder and the solar fluid temperature, this effectively means that very little heat is imparted to the hot water in the hot tank, I have re-set this to 4 degrees so the circulating pump of the solar fluid will run more often bringing down the hot fluid to the hot water tank when ever there is a difference of 4 degrees and not 8 allowing more heat to be conducted into the water in the hot tank.
I will also bring my findings to the attention of the photovoltaic fitting team, who will at least to then be able to warn the home occupiers or ensure their Domestic hot water system is left set as found.
Situated at the rear of the cylinder are sensor points, the temperature sensors are slid into these ports, if your sensors are not recording the cylinder temperature check to see they are fully inserted, both fitted to my cylinder were only just in the cylinder I have now secured them using a small plastic plugs.
Purchasing your Solar Energy System We fell foul of a 'cold call' which really caused us extreme problems, as well as a company that was incapable of doing a good job, so much so that after six months of aggravation there senior management admitted they were incapable of completing the job Although we got compensation from them it caused a lot of unnecessary work worry and cost and for several months we were dubious about the safety of the installation.
In retrospect we should not have entertained the companies 'cold call tactics', nor believed what was in their Brochure, which as it turned out was a pack of lies.
If you are considering Solar energy, and ask us if we would recommend the kloben system the answer is decidedly YES
Would we recommend the original Company of installers? Which was 'Capital Energy Solutions' of Eastleigh in Hampshire, there office address 'Solutions House' 19 Cranbury Road turned out to be a partially empty domestic terrace house, our answer would be No No No, Not even if they offered to do it for free?
Considering Solar Energy? Yes a great idea it really does work well. Better than ever we could have imagined But please bear in minds the points below. Oh how I'd wished I'd followed my own advise.
1 Do your homework and understand the system you require and wish to install.
2 Before you consider purchasing from any company visit this web site Energy Saving or phone 0800 512 012 And Visit this site, also useful and informative, again a independent organisation
carbon again an interesting site
3 Check to see if you are entitled to a grant /subsidy from the Government or even you local Government office (town Hall) before placing your order with any Company. We could well have be entitled to this had we known what we do now! So check
4. Don't get caught as we did by Companies that 'cold call', even if they do claim they have previously written to you.
5. Do get estimates for the installation, but stick to the same specification or the estimates will vary. Try if possible to find a local company. If companies are not prepared to put the company details on their vehicles then there is normally a reason, so take care. our first contractor had two unmarked white vans?
6. Do call and ask for recommendation from other house holders with existing systems fitted. I have already had callers and am more than happy to sing the praises of not only the Kloben system but also the Installers who put our system to rights after a disastrous experience with the first company, who in my opinion should not be trading at all. They have been reported to Consumer Direct and Trading Standards who are now dealing with the case, but it does not stop them trading in the meantime so take care.
7 "Checkatrade" Check the credentials of the Company before you consider using them. Or Telephone 0845 408 4866
" However just because a trader is not mentioned on this site does not mean that they will not do an excellent job, "Checkatrade" charges £600 for the trader to join their list, small businessmen can ill afford to spend that sort of money without a positive return and solar installations are not big business yet. But it has to come, as prices of gas & electricity increase so hopefully will the demand for solar power installations of one form or another.
A personal recommendation from a person who already has solar energy is as good as you will get. So don't be frightened to knock on their door and ask them what they think and who they recommend "
8 Never pay for the complete works 'Up front'
9 Pay your deposit with a CREDIT CARD If the Company goes bust before the installation is installed or complete you will have the protection of the Credit Card Act.
10. Don't pay balances until you have inspected the work and ensure the system is working insist on being left operating instructions.
11 Don't be swayed by what is printed in the Companies Brochure, the company contracted by us made all sorts of claims in their brochure. I have now researched these claims and can without doubt say that it is all a pack of lies and in print. So take care.
12 If you at any stage feel that things are going wrong make a point of keeping e-mails, dates etc you may need this information at a later date.
13 If you do live in the South of the UK as we do, then
I can most certainly recommend GrEnergy of Commerce Way Lancing in West Sussex', I contracted them to check our system and to undertake certain work, not only to make the system was safe but also to check the system, as a result the system is now even more efficient. This included re-setting the control panel which controls various features of the system.
I hope you find this information useful, and I assure you Solar installations are worthwhile, they will help conserve energy, they are pollution free and running costs after installation unlike most other purchases are minimal
Even though we had a very bad experience with the first installers we do not regret for one minute spending out on the Kloben Solar system. And remember there are good companies out there waiting to carry out a first class job, whose reputation can be easily spoilt unfortunately by the few bad apples, so take care and don't be afraid to ask owners with installations already fitted for the their recommendation. I sincerely hope that numbers of you will join the solar energy club in the near future. Lofty.
Photovoltaic Installation They say some people never learn. Well our previous experience has not put us off trying to do our bit to save energy , and we have this week following this time a considerable amount of homework and after obtaining three quotes, 10th August 2008 placed an order to have a 2.08Kw photovoltaic system install. The Company we are using are on the BERR list of certified installers and the equipment they are installing is certified this will enable us to apply for a grant towards the cost from the
low carbon building organisation I will let you now how we get on in a couple of months, when we hope all will be up and running.
Even Greater Protection for the Environment. 'Envirowash Balls' Now you have got your hot water organised, or even if you are just reading the site information, how about reducing you bills and costs of washing clothes.
Well we have, and you can? Just like solar hot water systems and photovoltaic systems generally we have heard about them but that's a far as it goes. Well you can save money by not having to purchase washing powder or washing liquid and softeners which ever is your preference and cost a great deal which ever you purchase.
Tell me How Well if you have 'Freeview' or 'Satellite' you can purchase Enviro-wash balls from their shopping channels, or you can simply log onto E-bay put 'Enviro wash-balls' in the search and 'Hey-Presto' you will find these wash ball kits available and for sale.
Do they work?
Most decidedly, we have been using them for over six months, the clothes are just as clean as with soap, and detergent, they are softer and yet softener has not been used
If you have a washing machine that will skip the rinse cycle , then you can skip the rinse. And if you suffer from an allergy to soap powder and liquids, this may well solve your problem there as well.
What's am I getting out of it?
Nothing, I just want you to help us in making the World a Cleaner, Greener place, and by using wash balls you are not pouring gallons of contaminated water down the drains, which eventually finds it's way into water courses and the sea. And if you are into recycling your water, you won't have to deal with the soap that remains in the conserved water, thus making it more user friendly for watering gardens etc.
What do they cost? About £20 for three wash balls plus refills plus stain remover.
Here are two links where you will find the balls for sale
Opt out of junk mail and save a tree!
More info This very small pile of junk mail is a weeks supply as a result of having a relief postman , we would not normally expect to receive any junk mail from the post office, having opted out and yes we do still get voting papers, and all mail addressed to the householders etc, so don't be black mailed by the PO, saying that you will not receive important mail .
Or you can ring royal mail Opt out service on:- 0845 77740740 or 01865 796988 where you will be asked for your address details and they will send you forms to complete and return. It does take a while for the rubbish mail to stop but have word with your postman if it doesn't stop within say 3 months of completing and returning the forms. Please note that you have to re-new this with the post office Door to door service every tweelve months or the junk mail will return.
TPS Telephone Preference Service.
Irrespective of whether we did or didn't, get the letter from the first contractor, our telephone number has been registered with the telephone preference service since 6th of February 2001, so I would not expect companies such as theirs to call our number without first being invited to do so anyway. Unfortunately it does not apply to companies who phone from overseas or those who choose no to use the TPS system. If you would like to join their list and be taken of the direct mailing lists then why not ring 0800 398893 for details u k